Monday, January 25, 2010

The demise of Juventus

Being a fan of this still great team I have tried to be objective as much as possible in analysing the situation that is afflicting the team. Eight losses in the last eleven games constitute a disastrous run and in most cases would lead to the coach being fired, something that at the time of writing has not yet taken place. At this point in time, a change at the helm would be a psychological boost to everyone involved within the team and hopefully lead to better guidiance both on and off the pitch. Having said this, I personally cannot understand why Deschamps and Ranieri were treated in such a way... certainly not indicative of the famous Juventus style and aplomb.

Back to the current situation, I shall be analysing it by considering a few factors.

The coach: Ferrara started off well by winning the last two games of the previous season and started off the current season unbeaten in the first six matches. In spite of all this there was always an indication of things to come with the team at times struggling to win, reason being a lack of ideas when it came to teamwork. No idea how to play, pass, attack and defend. The constant injury crisis certainly did not help but with the team at hand, much more could have been done. Many have said that Ferrara lacks experience to coach such a team and many are comparing him with Guardiola and Leonardo but these are backed by different and more experienced management styles.

Conclusion: In my mind and heart Ferrara will always be a true great and I respect him for the way he has dealt with such a situation in a very dignified manner. He does have some faults but the whole debacle does not lie solely on his shoulders.

The players: It can be said that this is one of the strongest complement of players that Juventus has had in recent years. Yet they cannot seem to click or get used to a different system than to what the team has been accustomed to in the last few years. Let me explain further... the team has played with a 4-4-2 system for the last few years and trying to play with a 4-2-3-1 or 4-1-3-2 system is obviously going to take some time to get accustomed to. Unfortunatly what other teams have managed to do in a few months, ergo Inter and Milan who have both changed their tactics from last season and are doing well, Juventus have not managed to apprehend and implement when needed.

Conclusion: Can be partially blamed for at the end they are being big salaries, in most cases have bags of experience and are the ones on the pitch but with no adequate direction they can only look like lost souls trying their best to play decently.

The management: The biggest culprits in my opinion. They seem to be clueless in dealing with the situation and in the past have made quite a few mistakes, especially when concerned with player acquisitions and choice of backroom staff. I am pretty sure that they themselves would like their plan to start working and to make the right decisions. If they were to be less hard-headed and appoint the right people it can only be positive to see Juventus emerge from this dark period and regain the popularity and positive results that they so deserve.

What I do not agree with are the supporters who burn seats or chant blasphemous tunes. Supporting Juventus or any other team is like a marriage... you support him/her through the good times as well as through the bad times. Also of rather bad taste are comments like those of Gigi Maifredi who said that he would be winning everything with this current team but at the time of calling and when he had a golden chance, he did not prove himself and under his guidance Juventus did not qualify for Europe... the only time this happened under the Agnelli era. Enough said!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ġita fil-kampanja

(Inżul ix-xemx fl-Imtaħleb)

Għodwa waħda f’Ħadd normali ta’ xitwa feġgħet ix-xemx b’saħħa liema bħala u dlonk sitt iħbieb erħewlha lejn l-Imtaħleb biex imorru għal mixja fost il-kampanja Maltija. Hekk kif bdejna niżlin il-mogħdijiet tal-wied, kollha stajna nammiraw u nitgħaxxqu b’għelieqi kollha ħdura imdawwrin b’ħajt tas-sejjiegħ. Iktar ma komplejna nimxu iktar stajna nammiraw l-isbuħija tal-kampanija Maltija u kemm hemm bżonn li nħossu kburin b’dak li għandna u li nieħdu ħsiebha. Wara ftit mixi mhux ħażin wasalna f’tarf l-irdum għoli, bil-baħar u r-riħ jolqtu l-wiċċ l-irdum hekk kif ilhom jagħmlu għal sekli sħaħ sabiex taw il-forma li llum-il ġurnata nistgħu naraw. Ix-xemx ħesrem bdiet nieżla u erħilna naqbdu t-triq lura biex ma ninqabdux f’nofs wied f’dlam ċappa bid-dawl tal-qamar u l-istilel biss bħala gwida. Aħna u mixjin lura għib ix-xemx tat dehra mistika lill-inħawi kollha bi ħmurija liema bħala.


Inspiring, magnificent, eye-catching and breathtaking are just a few words that describe the opening as well as the architecture of ‘Burj Dubai’, the world’s tallest building in Dubai. Even though the country has inevitably been affected by the recession that has taken over the world in the last year or so, it still remains one of the driving forces in the world economy. Following is a link to view the opening:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A picture tells a thousand words

MSNBC has compiled a number of photos that illustrate the ongoings of the last decade. Some are dramatic, some light-hearted and others show the thin line that seperates life and death.