Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Amidst the MEP Elections furore little attention was given to the fact that vandals threw burnt oil on the parvis and steps in front of the Chapel of Mary Magdalene at Dingli Cliffs. One must mention that it is the second time this Chapel has been targeted by vandals. This follows on the steps of vandal attacks taking place at Portes de Bombes and Ħaġar Qim just to mention a few. Why is it that we are not able to appreciate our own heritage?

Also baffling was the way this news item was reported. The journalist was of the opinion that this vandal attack ‘happily did not mar the façade.’ There is nothing ‘happy’ about such an action. Wonder of all wonders, some people who commented about this act found it natural to blame the minister whilst not even condemning the perpetrators. Many are of the opinion that CCTV cameras should be installed but as a blogger commented, all one needs to do is wear a balaclava to elude the CCTV. Quite a few were sensible enough to mention education as the way forward, making people understand and appreciate more our heritage so as to become proud of what this island has. Malta is endowed with so much history that is the envy of many countries. Let us all appreciate the multitude of historical wealth available on the islands!

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